About WSSA's Code Of Conduct & Safeguarding

The majority of WSAA events are one day competitions whereby the school /teacher would attend with their athletes . This would usually apply for the ESAA cross country schools cup, ESAA Track and Field Schools cup event, area trials  and combined events, which are all scheduled during a school day. 

The Track & Field Championships and Cross Country championships are both on a Saturday and in this instance the parent/family is often responsible for attending with their child. It is at the discretion of the sports department, if a teacher from your school will also attend these events.

If selected to represent Warwickshire at an inter county or National event , it will often require the parent/family to transport and attend the event with their child.  There are volunteer WSAA teachers who manage the team on the day.

The ESAA National track and Field Championships in July is the only 2 day event which requires a 2 night hotel stay as a team with WSAA team managers and coach transport to and from the venue. The team remains together throughout the competition. Managers will always be DBS checked as teachers, coaches, parental volunteers. Parental consent forms along with any medical/dietary issues will always be required for this event.

If selected for the ESAA National Cross country , it will require parental transport to the venue. We do not provide transport as a team for this event.

All WSAA county level events are licensed competitions and covered by insurance. Click HERE to read more.

We also ensure First aid provision at each event and conduct the required risk assessment for each venue.